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Media Cymru
Spark, Maindy Road
CF24 4HQ
Published on: 16.11.2023
Creative Innovators Meetup – November
Event Date: 28.11.2023
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: Chapter Arts Centre

The Creative Innovators Meetup is an informal, monthly catch-up for professionals in the media and creative industries across South Wales, brought to you by Creative Collective.
Whether you’re new to the industry or have 20 years’ worth of tales to tell, starting from the bottom or run the company, you’re welcome!
These meetups give you the chance to make new connections without the formalities of networking events and catch-up with what’s going on in the industry. We’ll have short talks, fireside chats and soapbox sessions designed to inspire, motivate and inform.
AND the first drink is on us!