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Spark, Maindy Road
CF24 4HQ
Published on: 16.11.2023
Innovation Drop-in Surgery
Event Date: 22.11.2023
Time: 10-11:30
Location: BBC Cymru Wales, Innovation Lounge 3 Central Square

Are you interested in exploring new opportunities for your creative business? Want to develop your freelance career or launch a new creative products or services? Need help with a specific challenge, a funding bid or just want to be inspired by the potential of new creative technologies?
Our Innovation Surgery sessions aim to support you in improving your creative business and taking advantage of the latest opportunities. While you are the expert of what you do, we can usually help bring a fresh perspective, support you with Research, Development and Innovation expertise and advise on funding opportunities and new technologies which could help you and your business. If we can’t help, we will probably know someone worth talking to.