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Opening doors to make the media sector more inclusive and accessible for all  


We are a nation of storytellers and we believe everyone’s story deserves to be heard.

We are a nation of storytellers and we believe everyone’s story deserves to be heard. This is only possible by including under-represented voices at all stages of production.

Media Cymru’s Fair Agenda takes a lead from Wales’ world leading Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to create culture change and build a media sector which supports a healthier, more equal Wales; one which celebrates our vibrant Welsh culture and encourages cohesive communities.   

By funding research and development, we are building sector-wide collaborations which challenge the Creatives Industries in Wales to create a fairer future, one which truly feels like our media is for all –  i bob un. 


What we've been up to:

Editor working at a media desk.

News for All: Telling Different Stories for A Better World

The full cohort of trainees on the Moho specialist training, courtesy of Media Cymru, Biggerhouse Films CIC and Cloth Cat - 1

Moho animation training and telling stories of neurodiversity


Immersive Queer Placemaking: What’s next for LGBTQ+ spaces?

unquiet media logo

Project: Exceptional Minds

Boom and Rondo logo

Project: Breaking Socio-economic Barriers

Channel 4 logo

Project: Diversity in TV Production

Rescape logo

Project: DR.VR

USW logo

Project: Skills and Training

Lead Producer

Sally Griffith

Sally Griffith

R&D Producer

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